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Facelift in Dover, Ohio


Take Years Off with with Facelift

As the gold standard in facial rejuvenation, Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to tighten and smooth wrinkles, folds, and other visible signs of aging on the middle and lower face and neck. We customize facelifts based on individual conditions to provide facial rejuvenation without compromising a balanced, natural appearance, dynamics, or function. Board-certified in both Facial Plastic & Reconstructive surgery and in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck surgery, Dr. David M. Hartman understands that a well-performed facelift or other rejuvenation procedures should not make you look stiff or different, but rather like a younger, fresher version of yourself.

Correct Excess Skin

Facelift: Restoring Youthful Contours

Perhaps the most significant contribution to jowl formation is the downward/forward migration of the fat pads from the upper, outer “apples” of the cheeks. These fat pads descend in and down as we age and result in jowls. To correct them during a Facelift, fat pads must be precisely restored to their original location. The deeper soft tissues of the drooping cheek fat pads are first raised to the upper outer cheeks. This is followed by smoothing and trimming of the excess skin envelope in more oblique and horizontal directions. For Dover Facelift patients with less severe jowls, we may recommend minimally invasive options such as Accent Prime, SculpSure® or SmartLipo™, followed by laser skin resurfacing or radiofrequency (RF) microneedling.

Facelift in Dover

What Can Facelift Surgery Improve?

Benefits of a Facelift in Dover, OH

Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a Facelift can help you correct multiple aesthetic concerns, such as:

A Facelift is not just about lifting and pulling the skin back – it can involve repositioning the skin, fat, and underlying tissue layers, as well as redistributing fat padding in regions with noticeable hollowing. Excess fat and/or skin are also artfully trimmed away to create a smoother profile with more youthful contours. Facelift surgery is recommended for patients who have overall moderate to severe sagging and deeper wrinkles. For younger patients, and those with relatively mild to moderate wrinkles and folds or more specific concerns, we may recommend treatments such as a fat transfer to the face.


"Dr. Hartman's Super-Professional Surgical Nurse - Previously I’ve posted rave reviews about Dr. Hartman (he did my facelift, lipo 2 times, lip filler, laser) but this review is about Laura, his scrub nurse. Laura is calm, composed and very smart. Her knowledge about plastic surgery is vast. During my procedures, Laura always anticipated what I needed before I needed to ask. She and Dr. Hartman’s teamwork is flawless. And, boy oh boy, can Lau..."

- S. / RealSelf / Oct 30, 2019

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Ideal Candidates


While the average age of a Facelift patient tends to be 57 years, newer techniques – from the Extended Mini Facelift” (which, at our practice, is designed to improve either the neck and jowl area or the mid and upper cheek area) to the traditional Facelift to the high SMAS Facelift – can prove effective for patients as young as their 30s. Conversely, the use of local anesthesia and/or oral sedation, along with a healthier, more active aging population allows even patients in their late 80s to safely receive Facelift surgery. Many patients might benefit from minimally invasive procedures such as laser skin resurfacing or Radiofrequency Microneedling with PRP. But for those seeking more dramatic rejuvenation, the sheer range of Facelift techniques available has extended what the “right” age for a Facelift could be.



Facelift procedures have evolved into several techniques ranging from minimally invasive to more extensive depending on your goals. Based on the technique used, the procedure can last between two to four hours. Before a Facelift New Philadelphia plastic surgeon, Dr. Hartman, and our medical team will assess your individual condition, preferences, and aesthetic goals and create a customized surgical plan with you. Dr. Hartman hides incisions within the contour of the ear, around the earlobe, and/or within the hairline. For some patients, he may also make a small incision under the chin to remove fat, and tighten or smooth neck muscles and/or skin. Dr. Hartman will close sutures carefully using a microscope, and you will be given post-surgical aftercare instructions to ensure the best results. For more effective and longer-lasting results, Dr. Hartman often employs the high-SMAS technique. SMAS is an acronym for the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic system, a sheath or layer of tissue below the skin and fat, resting just above glands and facial muscle. By carefully raising a flap in this layer to lift and support the underlying soft tissue of the face and neck, Dr. Hartman restores natural-looking, long-lasting facial rejuvenation.

Additional Reading

Because the face and neck tend to age at a similar rate, it is rare for one area to show signs of aging while the other is free from them. This is why a neck lift is often incorporated into a facelift to create more natural-looking and seamless results. Many Facelift patients also choose to receive a forehead or Brow Lift and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate the upper portions of their faces simultaneously. For patients in their 40’s and above, a customized combination of procedures provides comprehensive facial rejuvenation. We are very proud to offer fully customized, high-quality Facelift/Brow Lift/Eyelid lift packages in the $20,000-$25,000 range. Extended Mini Facelifts can be customized at lower prices when applicable. Quotes we provide individual patients generally include all surgery, as well as multiple laser applications.

“What I see in my practice is that a prospective Facelift patient gradually, over a period of several years, arrives at the decision that “the time has come” for their Facelift. It may be developing jowls, or looseness of the neck, lines of the cheeks, or lines around the mouth. Occasionally, an evolving life change is a stimulus that prompts one to choose to surgically freshen their facial appearance.” – Dr. Hartman

Turn Back the Clock


Recovery is a very important consideration when planning for a Facelift – and of course, every case is different. Surgical patients are provided with a HIPAA compliant group message, that includes Dr. Hartman and the clinical staff to call or text if they have any concerns after their surgery. We encourage our Facelift patients to get out of the house early and even take a walk the next day. Bruising and swelling is highly variable, but generally, expect at least some to be present for one to two weeks or longer.

Ninety percent of swelling is resolved by the end of the first week in most cases. Numbness around the ears is not uncommon, and this may last anywhere between a couple of days to even a few months or longer. Fortunately, concerns of numbness minimally bother most Facelift patients. Depending on one’s public exposure at work, return to work can be as early as just a few days after surgery. On the other hand, some patients choose to take up to two weeks or longer. At our practice, the average return-to-work time is about one week. A well-performed Facelift package can “turn back the clock” by about seven to 15 years. While these gains do not “wear off,” they will not stop the aging process. The question is not, “how long does a Facelift last?” but rather: how long is it before some Facelift patients decide to have some sort of subsequent lifting procedure after their first one?

In many cases, this is in about eight to 15 years. Maintenance is key in ensuring Facelift results last, so staying committed to a solid skincare regimen, and always protecting your skin from sun damage, and eating and exercising healthily can certainly reduce the need for subsequent treatments. Routine laser treatments, peels, and Radiofrequency procedures may also benefit some patients. Such commitments are not as difficult to maintain as most patients may believe. Almost without exception, patients find themselves exercising more, eating better, using better skincare, and getting out socially more than they were before the procedure. According to post-surgical quality of life research, Facelift patients report significant improvements in self-esteem and life satisfaction after their rejuvenation procedures.

Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Facelift cost?

A facelift costs about $10,850-$12,850. This number can vary depending on what’s involved in your individual procedure. The details on cost will be gone over in more detail when you come in for a personal consultation.


Considering A Facelift ??

Looking Hot with Dr. Dave Podcast - Facelift Facts

The Emotional Roller Coaster - A Post Op Procedure Guide

Q&A: Ideal Candidate for a Facelift & Browlift


Facelift in Dover

Q&A: Ideal Candidate for a Facelift & Browlift


Recovery Time 2-6 weeks
Average Procedure Time 3-4 hours
Post-op Follow-up 1 week
Procedure Recovery Location Outpatient

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From the wonders of cellular rejuvenation to the play of light and shadow on the contours of your face, we embrace aesthetic care as an art form. We want you to shine in your own skin and are here to show you what is possible when art and science come together. We are passionate about our calling and work tirelessly to bring you the safest and most revolutionary treatments available, delivered in a state-of-the-art facility by highly-skilled, compassionate professionals. Call to schedule your consultation today, and step into a life lived more beautifully.