330-364-5656 Appointment

HD Body Sculpting in Dover & New Philadelphia, OH

Get Rid
of Stubborn Fat

HD Body Sculpting
at Fine Arts Skin & Laser

One of the biggest problems with fat is its unpredictability. Two people of similar builds may commit to the same diet and exercise regimen, only to find that one enjoys a slimmer waist but unchanging thighs and buttocks, while another sees general overall improvement but cannot lose a double chin. The answer for both could be highly-customized liposuction.

Ohio’s Dr. David M. Hartman performs this procedure at Fine Arts Skin & Laser in Dover - New Philadelphia for patients from Akron, North Canton, Millersburg, Uniontown, Canton, Massillon, and Cambridge, using his innovative techniques and experience to not just reduce fat, but perform HD liposuction. While many aesthetic procedures are aimed more toward women, we want it to be clear that we encourage men to take advantage of our services as well—especially HD Body Sculpting. We create natural-looking six-pack abs and chiseled pecs in a simple, comfortable office procedure without general anesthesia. We believe that all of our patients deserve to feel their best, regardless of their gender.

Sometimes Exercise Isn’t Enough

What is HD Body Sculpting?

When a person begins to slim down, their fat cells are not leaving the body but are merely getting smaller. As noted above, however, fat cells in specific areas—such as the “muffin top” of the lower abdomen, “saddlebags” of the lateral thighs, “love handles” of the upper outer hips, “bra fat” of the upper back, and “double chin”—sometimes resist shrinking. In these cases, physically removing (sculpting) the unwanted cells from the body is a highly effective solution. At our office in Dover HD Body Sculpting puts special emphasis on creating a physically fit physique, complete with six-pack abs and chiseled pecs.

HD Body Sculpting in Dover

An Extra Push in The Right Direction

What are the benefits of HD Body Sculpting?

Anyone dealing with fat cells that cause bulges or add unwanted bulk to a specific area of the body may make for a good liposuction candidate. The surgery is particularly attractive to those who have put considerable effort into slimming down and creating a fit physique but who find that even dieting and rigorous physical activity fail to noticeably impact stubborn areas.

It is crucial that women and men who want to lose weight not consider liposuction as a weight loss strategy per se. The procedure is for cosmetic body contouring purposes, not weight loss. Good candidates will already be healthy and at or near their ideal weight range. Dr. Hartman recommends New Philadelphia HD Body Sculpting patients to have an established track record of maintaining a stable weight before their procedure since continuing a healthy and active lifestyle helps preserve the results.

Look Natural While Slimming Down

Your HD Body Sculpting Consultation

In the hands of our HD Body Sculpting Dover expert, Dr. Hartman, liposuction is about more than dropping inches on a waistline or reducing love handles — though it can help with those goals and more. Liposuction is about creating natural-looking, physically fit contours by shaping an area or areas of the body where fat is naturally stubborn, giving the physique a leaner, more athletic appearance.

During your consultation, we will go over your desired goals and expectations from your body sculpting procedure. We want to make sure that you are entirely comfortable with your decision and will answer any questions you may have during your consultation. To make sure that you are taken care of, we will also schedule a pre-op appointment for you approximately a week before your procedure. Your first post-op appointment is then a week or two after your procedure.


The Game-Plan for Success

Your HD Body Sculpting Procedure

Fat cells targeted for HD Body Sculpting must first be loosened and freed from the surrounding tissue. Dr. Hartman offers two different options with this in mind, each driven by a specific technique (lasers or mechanical vibration) based on a patient’s ultimate goals for the procedure. No matter the method, Dr. Hartman applies his artistic eye to make the results look natural and proportional, carefully sculpting and shaping new body lines. The general procedure includes making a small incision for a cannula to be inserted, which will act as a vacuum to gently suction out excess fat in a particular area of treatment. It is an outpatient procedure, which means you will be able to go home soon after you are finished.

HD Body Sculpting in Dover HD Body Sculpting in Dover

Take Some Time For Yourself

HD Body Sculpting Recovery and Aftercare

HD Body Sculpting patients will find that their treated area is tender and potentially sore in the days after a session. It may also appear bruised and develop some swelling, which is natural. The coloring and sensations should gradually resolve on their own throughout the initial days of the recovery process. Light activity should resume the next day, however. Following this, patients can gradually increase their activity level, with most patients resuming work/daily routine activity on day two or three after the procedure, with a full return to strenuous life activities delayed until several weeks have passed.

Dream Body, Achieved

HD Body Sculpting Results

Get ready to love your body! HD Body Sculpting yields immediate results, which refine themselves as post-procedure swelling diminishes. Then, your vision of your more finely sculpted, athletic-looking body will be realized. Your results are tailored around the goals you set at your consultation. A consummate perfectionist and insightful practitioner, Dr. Hartman pours himself into his work to sculpt an outcome that will meet and exceed your expectations. Your results are generally permanent as long as you take care of your body by eating healthily and staying fit. If you do not care for your body properly, your results may only last a few years.

HD Body Sculpting Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, liposculpting costs between $5,000 and $12,500. Since liposuction is usually applied to any combination of multiple areas on the body, the cost of the procedure depends on details unique to each patient’s session. Cost may also vary if liposuction is used in conjunction with fat transfer or if it is part of a larger face or body rejuvenation effort, such as a brow lift, facelift, breast lift, or tummy tuck. Combining lipo with other procedures lowers the cost of each component. For the most accurate pricing, schedule your consultation with us today. We can also talk with you about financing and payment plan options.

If the desired result is simply fat reduction, Dr. Hartman may use laser-based liposuction, known as Alma Lasers BeautiFill or SmartLipo® Triplex®. These methods release the unwanted fat cells with a laser so the fat can easily be suctioned out. If patients want fat cells harvested for living fat transfer so they can be used to augment other areas of the body, Dr. Hartman employs tumescent liposuction and low-pressure techniques to carefully collect, wash, and filter the collected living fat. While this method still requires the fat to be loosened, the process is less destructive—a critical detail since fat cells must remain living and intact to be used for transfer. Ideal sites for beautification with fat transfer are the breasts, face, and buttocks. Tumescent lipo involves the injection of a special fluid designed to make the tissue firmer, reduce blood flow in the area, and minimize sensation. Dr. Hartman then makes tiny, carefully placed incisions and inserts a thin tube called a cannula, which is used to loosen the cells and suction them out.
Liposculpting is a safe procedure, though some risks can occur. Some risks include contour irregularities, infection, hematoma, and, very rarely, fat embolisms. Most risks can be easily prevented by following your plastic surgeon’s aftercare guidelines.

Men and women are both able and encouraged to get HD Body Sculpting in New Philadelphia! The only stipulations are that you must be in good health, have realistic goals, and be in reasonably good shape already, as liposculpting is not an ideal way to lose weight but rather to shape particular areas. For women, you should not undergo liposculpting if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Everyone deserves to have the body they dream of, men and women alike. Schedule your consultation at Fine Arts Skin & Laser today.


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Schedule Your Appointment Today

From the wonders of cellular rejuvenation to the play of light and shadow on the contours of your face, we embrace aesthetic care as an art form. We want you to shine in your own skin and are here to show you what is possible when art and science come together. We are passionate about our calling and work tirelessly to bring you the safest and most revolutionary treatments available, delivered in a state-of-the-art facility by highly-skilled, compassionate professionals. Call to schedule your consultation today, and step into a life lived more beautifully.