330-364-5656 Appointment

Brachioplasty in Dover and New Philadelphia, Ohio

Dare to Bare Your Arms

Achieve Toned Arms with Brachioplasty at Fine Arts Skin & Laser in Dover, OH

At Fine Arts Skin & Laser, located in Dover and New Philadelphia, OH, Dr. Hartman and his team of specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve the look you desire. We serve patients from all over Ohio, including North Canton, Akron, Millersburg, Uniontown, Canton, Massillon, Cambridge, and beyond. Our Brachioplasty procedure can help to remove excess skin and fat from your inner-upper arms, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. Don't let your arms hold you back any longer – schedule your Brachioplasty consultation with us today.

Unbeatable Confidence

What is Brachioplasty?

A Brachioplasty is known more commonly as an arm lift. Patients seek out arm lifts when they experience excess skin and sagginess around the inner-upper arms, also known as “bat wings.” Brachioplasty help to restore the shapely look that your arms lose over time due to heredity, age, and weight loss. This procedure involves making discreet incisions along the underside of your upper arms to eliminate sagging skin and tighten them for a sleeker, more youthful appearance.

Brachioplasty in Dover

Arm-raising Excitement

What are the benefits of Brachioplasty?

We encourage people tired of the excess skin under their arms to consider Brachioplasty. A Brachioplasty is a safe and effective procedure that can have you looking your best for over a decade. This procedure includes subsequent laser treatments to help remove any residual scarring.

For most patients, a Brachioplasty procedure is a rewarding experience. However, you should not get a Brachioplasty if you are not at a stable weight, have a medical condition that could interfere with healing, or if you are pregnant. Fine Arts Skin & Laser focuses on patients' well-being throughout recovery. Schedule your consultation today.

Experience Matters

Your Brachioplasty Consultation

During your consultation for Brachioplasty Dover plastic surgeon, Dr. David M. Hartman, will meet with you to review your Brachioplasty procedure expectations. We will discuss your goals for the appearance of your upper arms and work with you to create a plan that fits your needs. We pride ourselves on our outstanding bedside manner at Fine Arts Skin and Laser. Your health and comfort are our priority from the moment you call to the moment you fully recover. Put yourself first and schedule your Brachioplasty consultation at Fine Arts Skin and Laser with our double board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Sleeveless Summers

Your Brachioplasty Procedure

Surgery typically takes two to four hours, depending on the level of excess skin removed. At our office in Dover Brachioplasty procedure will be performed while you are comfortably awake using ProNox (self-administered nitrous oxide) and tumescent lidocaine anesthesia. Dr. Hartman will make an incision on the bottom of your arm. The incision will run from your armpit to your elbow and be placed strategically to hide the scar as best as possible. Dr. Hartman will then carefully remove excess skin and fat, tighten the remaining skin, close the incisions, and wrap your arms in compression sleeves.

Brachioplasty in Dover Brachioplasty in Dover

Take Time to Heal

Brachioplasty Recovery and Aftercare

During the recovery period following your Brachioplasty, you will want to take it easy for the first two weeks. Most patients experience some swelling and bruising during this time, which is to be expected. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, eat a healthy diet, and avoid smoking and alcohol to ensure you are getting your best results. Your full results appear within six to twelve months after your Brachioplasty. Your Brachioplasty will remain tight and beautiful for decades as long as you take care of your body and stay healthy.

An Improved You

Brachioplasty Results

After your Brachioplasty, you will experience having tighter, more shapely upper arms. You may feel some discomfort on the underside of your arms as you recover, but it is manageable and should only last about a week or two after your procedure. Arm lifts can last a lifetime if you maintain a consistent and healthy weight, although sometimes a subsequent touch-up procedure could be beneficial.

BrachioplastyFrequently Asked Questions

How much does an arm lift cost?

Brachioplasty typically costs around $8,000 on average. This price can vary depending on the patient, so it is best to schedule a consultation to get a more accurate price range for your procedure. We will be able to answer any questions you may have about cost, financing, and payment methods during your Brachioplasty consultation.

Does insurance cover a Brachioplasty?

Unless you are experiencing a severe case of excess skin under the arms that is impeding your function, it is unlikely for insurance to cover your Brachioplasty costs. Fine Arts Skin and Laser offers financing options for patients who are interested.

Does Brachioplasty leave scars?

Brachioplasty procedures do leave scars. However, these scars are placed strategically on the underside of your arms, where they will be difficult to spot. They will also fade significantly over time. For patients who are worried about the appearance of their Brachioplasty scars, Fine Arts Skin and Laser also offers scar-lightening options such as laser treatments. Schedule your consultation today and discover what we can do for you.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

From the wonders of cellular rejuvenation to the play of light and shadow on the contours of your face, we embrace aesthetic care as an art form. We want you to shine in your own skin and are here to show you what is possible when art and science come together. We are passionate about our calling and work tirelessly to bring you the safest and most revolutionary treatments available, delivered in a state-of-the-art facility by highly-skilled, compassionate professionals. Call to schedule your consultation today, and step into a life lived more beautifully.